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Musto Lark “Double Header” Part Two – Shustoke

Just a short journey south from South Staffs saw part two of this midlands double header weekend. The wind was broadly the same as the day before, but had a chill in the air with its NE direction diagonally across the lake.

Race one saw Stuart and Nick Hydon pull away from the fleet having completed the tricky first beat. Jonny Coate and Kate Phillips held off the local home fleet and managed to put some distance between them.

Race two saw Stuart and Nick again take advantage of the challenging first windward leg. A good lead was soon established with Jonny and Kate pulling though to second.

The final race saw Olly Saunders and Hattie Connelly win the first beat. The run proved tricky with those going right just hanging on from Cole and Rachel Briscoe piling in from the left with breeze. With the Hydon’s managing to command an overlap they were off, leaving the others to fight for their positions. Jonny and Kate pulled through to second leaving the rest by some margin. Olly and Hattie held third from Cole and Rachel.

Thanks to Shustoke for putting on the event with great courses from the Race Team and Galley who kept us fed and watered.

Final positions were:

1st 2495 Stuart and Nick Hydon Shustoke/Dittisham SC

2nd 2464 Jonny Coate and Kate Phillips South Staffs SC

3rd 2468 Olly Saunders and Hattie Connelly Shustoke SC

4th 2488 Cole and Rachel Briscoe Shustoke SC

5th 2481 Andy and Toby Ward Shustoke SC