With many good value second-hand Lark’s available restoring one to race ready condition is a really good cost option to get into one of the most competitive UK classes and be competing at the front of the fleet. This is not something you can do in many competitive fleets.

Here is the story of Stephen Scriven and his meticulous refurbishment of the Lark 1984.
Before Photos:

Starting refurb by grinding out crazing and cracks, filling with some matt fibre first to strengthen before filling. We also cleaned the bottom of the hull and filled some minor areas with gelcoat filler. We sanded the underside of the gunwales, straightened out the centred plate and checked alignment with rudder.
We also finished sanding the decks and applied 5 coats of epoxy. Chris also said he would customise a new launching trolley and took a hull and bow mould for later. 2nd self bailer fitted.

We then started to work out how our controls would work and I could go shopping! I do love a Harken catalogue! Other catalogues are available.

More filling and sanding prior to moving to Chris’s workshop for him to have a go at spraying the inside and getting the varnish on.He normally only sprays the wonderful metalwork he creates in his Foundry .

Painting finished, 8 coats of 2pack Epifanes Varnish and polish, fittings going back on new launching trolley under way. We have a new suit of North Sails to go on.

Down at Roadford after 2nd outing, a few jobs to do then we will find out if it is possible to turn a 41year old boat into a winner. See you at Brixham!
This has been a labour of love and I would like to thank Chris who jumped on board with my crazy idea and without whom we would not be here.

As it happens Martin Hough who was PRO at the recent Rock Open Meeting was the original owner of the boat. Below is a photo of her when she was new. What a fantastic coincidence and a nice way to end the story of the refurbishment.